Emotional Resilience/ Tips and Practice
Mar 27, 2021
"Emotional Resilience" is not about becoming better at suppressing painful emotions and always feeling positive.
Bottling up and carrying around painful emotions can be exhausting. Many of us have become good at numbing, distracting, suppressing, ignoring them, but unprocessed emotions can resurface as "compounded emotional toxicity" later on. "Emotional Resilience" is the expanded ability to feel all emotions and owning our reactions. Our practice can support this process of releasing emotional turbulence and bottle up energies, and holding space for our emotions, so we can respond to them rather than reacting unconsciously.
Naming them and releasing held-up emotions regularly can free us up to become less reactive. Movements, pranayama (breathing exercise), journaling, and vocalizing are great ways to release emotional turbulence. Meditation is an essential part of this process. When we can experience silence deep within beyond our pains and emotions, we can operate from the state of balance and calm. From this state, it is easier for us to turn to our innate intelligence and harmony. From this place, we can see our reactions more clearly to rewire them to create positive outcomes.
FREE Yoga & Meditation Class " (3/28 10am~11:15am)
Join me this Sunday 10am~11am (Vinyasa Flow + Pranayama + Kriya) + 15 mins meditation to practice holding space for emotions and rewire our reactions. I am opening up this member-only class (3/28 only) as a special opportunity for ALL to gather together as a community to move, breathe, process, and heal. You can join us only Flow portion or meditation, or join all of them for a full effect. If you are a member, you don't need to register. The link is on your membership page. Members can enjoy the recordings later and join Q&A in our membership community.
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